1 What, me worry?  Wed, Jun 16, 2010 7:12:08am

Nice, nice. Ice, Ice. Baby Baby! lol

Except your Woody Allen link is no worky :(

2 albigensian  Wed, Jun 16, 2010 7:55:08am

When F. Scott Fitzgerald was writing The Great Gatsby, 2nd Ave IRT trains still ran on the upper level of the Bridge.

The Bridge is still there, but New Yorkers are still waiting for the return of those 2nd Ave trains.

Sometimes one wonders why, "back in the day," it was often possible to build things (like subway lines) in just a few years, when today it could take many decades to do the same work even with the vastly improved technologies that are now available.

3 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Jun 16, 2010 9:44:54am

re: #2 albigensian

When F. Scott Fitzgerald was writing The Great Gatsby, 2nd Ave IRT trains still ran on the upper level of the Bridge.

The Bridge is still there, but New Yorkers are still waiting for the return of those 2nd Ave trains.

Sometimes one wonders why, "back in the day," it was often possible to build things (like subway lines) in just a few years, when today it could take many decades to do the same work even with the vastly improved technologies that are now available.

"Construction of Phase One began in April 2007 and is scheduled to be completed in 2016." Yeah right!

4 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Jun 16, 2010 9:48:16am

re: #1 marjoriemoon

Nice, nice. Ice, Ice. Baby Baby! lol

Except your Woody Allen link is no worky :(

Dammit! Think it's fixed now-- Thanks. :)
Jimmah says hi, we both send our best.

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